Saturday, August 26, 2017

Ways to Overcome Depression Without Drugs

Have you ever experienced a feeling of depressed, anxious, upset, and emotion all mixed together in one week or two? If yes, you are already depressed. Like an uninvited guest, depression can come to anyone with multiple causes. This mental health disorder can affect the poor or the rich. No exception the celebrities or commoners. Of course, when the depression has appeared need to be healed so as not to prolong.

How to cope with depression usually by taking antidepressant drugs. But, not a good thing when you get used to taking medication to cope with depression. There are still other ways of overcoming depression without drugs. What are they? Please see the 9 ways below.
1. Meditation.
The thing that is needed when you are depressed is to get peace of heart and soul. One way is to do meditation. A number of research results prove that meditation can prevent the recurrence of depression. The power of meditation is like taking antidepressants. Be able to make you feel more calm. But meditation must be done consistently. Do not just do when need. Make meditation your daily routine.

2. Do Sports Exercise
Routine exercise on a regular basis not only can be healthy body. But it is also a way of overcoming depression. Especially mild depression to moderate depression. Do this healthy routine every morning. Why choose morning? Because then the air is still quite fresh. Air has not been much contaminated by vehicle fumes. Especially if you exercise in areas that are still many trees. There is plenty of fresh oxygen to breathe in while exercising. Sports that do not have to be heavy. Walking around the residential complex was helpful enough. If your home is close to the park, can also do light jogging there.

3. Arrange Food Intake
Consume foods can also reduce a person's depression level. Of course not just any food, but foods containing high selenium and magnesium. Both of these ingredients have a useful effect to cure depression. Types of foods containing selenium include beans, wheat, and tuna. While foods that contain lots of magnesium are chocolate, sunflower seeds, shellfish, and pumpkin seeds. So, rutinkan eat foods that contain two types of minerals so that your depression level can decrease.

4. Lighten with Story
Anything that weighs your mind, lighten it by telling a story. Depression can arise because you keep the burden of the mind alone. Share with your friends or friends. Thus, the existing load can begin to decrease. Storytelling is also a way of expelling an aura and the negative energy that is due to depression. You can tell the burden you have in mind step by step. Tell me what you want to tell. If there is something you still want to keep, please save it first. When you're ready to get everything out, just do it. Being too long keeps the burden obviously unhealthy for your soul. But remember, tell the person you really believe in. Those who can lock and save your whole story just for him alone.

5. Consumption of Fish Oil
In addition to foods containing selenium and magnesium, people with depression is also recommended to consume foods with omega-3 fatty acids. A number of studies show that a deficiency in fatty acid intake in a certain amount can trigger the emergence of depression. Salmon meat is one of the contributors of omega-3 fatty acids are quite a lot. Similar content can also be found in albacore tuna fish and herring. However the last two fish types seem to be quite difficult to get in Indonesia.

6. Vacation
With a vacation, heart and mind will usually be more calm and happy. No wonder in every long holiday many Jakarta people who choose a vacation out of town. They go to places that can be used as a means of reducing stress levels while working. Stress that is allowed to dissolve will turn into an acute depression. Avoid with more vacation.

7. Writing Journals
Writing is an activity that has various benefits. Especially be a therapy for those whose heart and mind are upset and depressed. Write down the mood you feel in a diary. Try to write it every day so that the atmosphere can still be recorded properly. How to overcome depression through writing this much recommended by experts. No need to write well in doing this therapy. Because your writing is not to be read by others. Just write what's in your mind and heart, then save well. Simple, is not it? However, write when it is free. Do not force journal writing when you are preoccupied with work. Because your mind and heart must not be so devoted to the maximum when writing.

8. Consumption Turmeric
natural resources turned out to store food sources that can reduce levels of depression. Exactly turmeric. Spices that produce this yellow color according to research results have a high benefit to reduce symptoms of depression. In a study published Journal of Ethnopharmacology is mentioned if turmeric is able to increase serotonin levels in the brain. The ability of turmeric in lowering depression levels is as effective as fluoxetine or Prozac drugs. However, it is definitely superior because turmeric is a natural ingredient.

9. Trying Communicate with God 
There is no place to lean the best apart from God Almighty. Leave all the life you live to the One Only. Make sure that God always gives the best to all his servants. By handing it over to the prescribed stipulation, then your mind will not be burdened again by the problems of life. The heart will be more peaceful and calm. Closing In an increasingly complex society like today, the tendency of a person experiencing depression is likely to be higher. Therefore always keep your heart and mind calm when faced with problems in life. No matter what problem you're facing. There is no need for a variety of drugs to cope with depression. Because the best way to overcome depression is to always surrender only to God Almighty.