Saturday, September 29, 2018

World Kidney Day: The Five Best Detox Drinks for the Kidney

Besides being celebrated as International Women's Day, March 8 is also the celebration of worldwide kidney day.
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body. The kidneys help remove toxins from the body. Kidneys are also a crucial organ for your health.
If the kidney is not healthy, you will lose its ability to filter out waste and toxins that will begin to form in the body, causing kidney stones. So, it is important for you to clean your kidneys by putting certain detox drinks into your food.
Here's a list of the best kidney detoxification drinks you can follow.

1. Fruit Juice
Beets contain betaine, a phytochemical that is very beneficial and has antioxidant qualities and increases urine acidity. Beets, if they are juice, can help clear calcium phosphate and struvite from the kidneys. This will help kidney function and reduce kidney stone formation.
Lemon juice, orange juice, banana juice, apple juice, pineapple juice

2. Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is very good for urinary tract infections (UTI). Cranberry juice is also useful for cleaning the kidneys with excess calcium
oxalate, which contributes to kidney stones. You can get homemade cranberry juice for your kidney detox.
Health cranberry juice

3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is naturally acidic and has been shown to increase citrate levels in urine. This decreases kidney stone formation. You can drink a glass of fresh lemon juice every day for instant detox drinks.
Health lemon juice

4. Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is good for overall health and body detoxification, especially kidneys. Citric acid, acetic acid and phosphoric acid in apple cider vinegar help break down and prevent kidney stone formation.
Health apple vinegar

5. Berry Smoothie
Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cranberries contain high vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids. This antioxidant counteracts free radicals from the body and thus prevents kidney disease.
Health berry smoothie