Sunday, September 30, 2018

Face Care Routine to be Beautiful

Doing routine activities in the morning feels very heavy, as well as facial treatments. But if you want the appearance of a healthy skin that looks younger, you need a routine ritual of beauty treatment every morning.
What are the steps to maintaining the beauty of facial skin in the morning? The following six easy steps for routine morning care for facial skin look fresh and much younger as reported by the Boldsky website.

Face beauty treatment, clean face

1. Clean the face
Clean your face after waking up. Use a facial cleanser that suits your skin type. This facial cleansing process to remove dirt that is piled on the face of the rest of the cream that is used at night.

2. Toner
After cleansing the face, apply toner to balance the pH of the skin. Toner also helps close the skin pores so that it looks healthier. This prevents dirt from easily sticking to the skin.

3. Moisturizer
Apply moisturizer to start the day in the morning. Moisturizing cream provides nutrients to the face so that the skin avoids skin problems such as acne or dullness.

4. Eye cream
Skin under the eyes is also important to treat. Apply eye cream gently to the bottom of the eye. This treatment makes your appearance look fresher and much younger because it is free of dark circles under the eyes.

5. Sunscreen
Sunscreen is the most important treatment that you must apply when starting the day in the morning. Sunscreen protects the skin from the dangers of sunlight. Minimum use of a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 or more.

6. Exfoliation
Exfoliation is a routine treatment that you must do. But this treatment cannot be done frequently. Do it twice a week in the morning, before other beauty treatments. Use your favorite scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells so that the skin looks brighter radiant.