Friday, December 05, 2014


Obesity is not only influenced by how much food we eat and how much we exercise , but also influenced by the body's biological clock . Food and lighting in the evening hours of the body's excessive damage and lead to obesity because of the emergence of the hunger hormone uncontrolled .

According to a new study from Harvard Medical School , did not eat for 12-16 hours may help the body to reset the sleep-wake cycle quickly . The present invention can drastically improve a person's ability to cope with jet lag disorder or adapt to changes in work shifts .
Scientists have long known that the circadian rhythm or body clock is set by exposure to light . They have found that the clock eat that took over control of the body when hungry . This mechanism evolved to make mammals starve in order not to sleep when having to find food to eat .

" Just stop eating for a period of 12-16 hours before waking time . Once started eating again , the biological clock will be reset as if the beginning of a new day . The body will consider the time to break as early as the next day , " said Clifford Saper , professor of neurology and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School skelaigus heads of departments of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center .

6:00 to 8:00 am : Wake up

Within 30 minutes after waking up and before breakfast , do 20 minutes of physical exercise . The study found that exercise before eating cause burn fat more efficiently and the morning sun helps the body to reset reset the body clock can not be done by artificial light .

6 : 55-8 : 55 am : Drink

Before breakfast and every meal , drink two glasses of 0.23 liters of water .

7:00 to 9:00 am : Breakfast

Body clock also membangkirkan hunger hormone ghrelin hormone . Eat breakfast so releasing hormone ghrelin excessive so as not to lead to overeating later . Eat protein and complex carbohydrates such as eggs and bread wheat within an hour after waking .

10:00 to 11:00 Lunch : snack midmorning

Ghrelin increases several hours before lunch . Eat a carbohydrate and protein snack to ease it .

12:00 to 13:00 noon : Lunch

Around noon , the hunger hormone that causes want to eat fat or called galanin appears . Eating fat for lunch cause galanin produced more that lead to overeating . Eat complex carbohydrates and protein to avoid the effects of galanin fat cycle .

14:00 to 15:00 : Napping

15-20 minute nap will restore the energy level is more effective than eating a snack .

15:30 : Drinking coffee

Last call for caffeine intake . Drinking coffee before 4pm can prevent sleep cycle disruption of the body 's biological clock .

16:00 to 20:00 : Exercise

This is the optimal time for the body to get the maximum benefits of cardio and strength training .

17:00 to 19:00 : Dinner time

Time to eat healthy fats to prevent the desire to eat at midnight .

21:00 to 22:00 : Time to eat a snack before bed

Carbohydrate snacks such as low-fat yogurt will produce tryptophan which helps the brain produce serotonin, which is required to trigger the sleep hormone , melatonin .

21:00 to 22:30 : Preparation sleep

Avoid digital devices and TVs that emit blue light spectrum that can disrupt the body's biological clock . Read or take a bath in the dim light of the body are preparing to be able to sleep .

21:30 to 23:00 : Bedtime

Stay on schedule sleep and wake up even when the weekend . Regular schedule will keep the consistency of the biological clock and help the body to fall asleep more quickly after being in bed .