Sunday, December 14, 2014

Maintaining Bone Health

Bone health is very important to always tejaga , because the bones of our body can sustain all of the body . Bone unlike iron poles or stakes are rigid and stable , bone is like a living tree limb that could crooked , brittle or even broken . Someone over the age of 30 years , began to experience the process of bone loss that is not perceived .

The process of bone loss is aging or degenerative process , which can be blocked or slowed , in the following ways :

Bask in the sun exposure during the morning between the hours of 8:00 to 9:00 and in the afternoon at 15:00 to 16:00 , to help the body to produce vitamin D naturally .

Adequate daily calcium needs as much as 1000-1300 mg per day . It is necessary to get attention , because it is based on a survey of world food agency FAO WHO showed that the average daily calcium intake of only 450 people asia mg . this is certainly still very much to meet the daily calcium requirement . When the calcium needs are not met , then the body will take calcium from bone reserves . So surly bone is fixed , but the density of diminishing returns ) .

One glass of milk contains only 300 mg of calcium , so the shortage of 750 to be filled with food consume other calcium sources , such as :

- Low-fat yogurt with no sense : 300-450 mg per serving ( 1 cup ) ,

- Soy milk calcium ,

- Orange juice calcium : 300 mg per serving ( 1 cup ) ,

- Spinach : 120 mg per serving ( 1 cup - 1/2 cup raw or cooked ) ,

- Green vegetables , vegetables broadleaf , sardines , tofu , and salmon .

Regular exercise , at least 2 -3 x in one week , can by walking , swimming , go jogging , fitness , cycling 20 , aims to strengthen the bone structure so that slow the process of osteoporosis.

Control weight , because obesity is a close friend of osteoporosis . Weight loss should be ideal with body mass index calculation formula is = ( Height - 100 ) x 90 % . For example, if the height is 170 cm , the ideal weight is ( 170-100 ) X 90 % = 63 , so your ideal weight is 63 kg .

If the continuous bone pain , consult your doctor immediately MDs .