Monday, March 12, 2012

People with Children Diet Therapy and Autism

Is Autism?
Autism Autism is a complex developmental disorder that usually begins to appear in the first 3 years of age and can affect the baby's ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is usually explained by some specific behavior. Not yet exactly known single cause of autism, but as more research is expected to do more to help families who have family members with autism.

Autism causes children to behave unusually, can be a pat hand, utter the same words over and over again, has a temperament that angry or just playing with a toy alone.
Most children with autism do not like change in their daily life. These children like the schedule is always the same and may also insist that certain toys or objects arranged in such a way and become angry when the object is changed or moved.

If a person has autism then the brain has a problem to be able to understand the surrounding environment. Every day the human brain will interpret sights, sounds, smell and other things that experienced by the body. If the brain is not able to help you understand these things, then we would have trouble functioning, talking, traveling, or running the day-to-day activities.

Therapy for People with Autism
autism therapy to determine whether a child suffering from autism or not, it is very difficult. Parents sometimes are the first to find out if there are problems in children, such children have not spoken to his age, not too keen on other people, or who do not behave normally. But these symptoms can not be directly linked to autism, because such children may be slow to speak because they have hearing problems.

Often the specialist must cooperate in a team to be able to figure out what causes it. The specialists may include pediatricians, nervous child, psychiatrist, psychologist child labor, child labor speech therapist, physiotherapist, etc.. The team will learn when children play, learn, communicate and behave. The team also will consider a note from parents. Based on this information, physicians will be able to decide whether a child suffering from autism or other problems.

One of the problems in the treatment of autism is the lack of standards in terms of therapy for autism. This is because the causes of autism itself is not widely known, even more so each person usually shows the different physical, emotional, behavioral and social problems. Despite this in itself can be found in the literature of various types of therapy for autism.

Here are some types of therapy used to treat Autism:

    Behavior analysis (Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA))
    This therapy is the treatment of the oldest and most widely researched and developed for autism. ABA therapy is an intensive training system by using the gifts that focus on specific teaching system.

    Speech therapy
    Almost all people with autism have speech or language problems that are expected to speak or talk therapy can help people with autism to communicate with others.

    Occupational therapy
    Occupational therapy focused on forming ability of daily living. Because most people with autism experience a slow motor development, occupational therapy is so important. An occupational therapist can also provide integrated sensory exercises, which is a technique that can help people with autism to address hypersensitivity to sound, light and touch.

    Social skills therapy
    One result of autism is the least social and communication skills. Many children with autism need help to develop skills in order to maintain a conversation, connect with new friends or even a familiar playground. A therapist can help the social skills to create or facilitate social interactions.

    Physical therapy / physiotherapy
    Autism is a developmental perfasif slow. Many people with autism who have delayed motor development and some have low muscle mass (weak). Physical therapy can train strength, coordination and basic skills exercise.

    Play therapy
    Although it sounds strange, but children with autism need help to play. Play can also be used as a tool to train the conversation, communication and social skills. Play therapy can be combined with speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.

    Behavioral therapy
    Children with autism often appear frustrated. They have difficulty communicating their needs and suffer from hypersensitivity to sound, light or touch, so sometimes they are rude or annoying. A behavioral therapist can be trained to know the causes behind the negative attitude and recommend changes to the environment or the child's everyday life in order to improve his behavior.

    Therapeutic Developments
    Development of therapeutic or developmental therapies aim to build interest, its own strengths and development to improve intelligence capabilities, emotional and social development. Therapy is often contrary to the development of behavioral therapy, which is usually best done to teach specific skills in children, such as tying shoes or brushing your teeth etc..

    Visual therapy
    Many people with autism are visual thinkers, so the method of learning to communicate through images can be done. One way is through Pecs (Picture Exchange Communication). Besides learning via video can also be done either with video modeling, video games or other electronic communication systems. This method can accommodate the excess with autism in the visual field to be used to build skills and communication.

    Biomedical Therapy
    Biomedical therapies including the use of drugs for the treatment of autism, although many biomedical treatments are carried out based on the methods and approaches (Defeat Autism Now). Physicians who have undergone training on methods and this will determine the special diet, supplements or other alternative treatments for autism treatment. In the U.S. alone this treatment has not been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or CDC (Center for Disease Control), although many anecdotal stories that reported positive results from such therapy. If it intends to consult with practitioners AND, make sure the person's medical background.

Diet for People with Autism
Autism is a complex brain disorder that has not been known cure. Therefore, many families with autism who are interested in doing other alternative methods, such as dietary or nutritional foods that can help treat the symptoms of autism.

Eliminating dairy gluten (protein found in wheat flour, wheat or oats) and casein (protein found in milk and other dairy products) is commonly called the GFCF diet (Gluten Free, Casein Free) is one of the popular diet to treat symptoms of autism . It is based on the hypothesis that these proteins are absorbed differently in children with autism and react like a reaction to opiates in the brain, the hypothesis is not based on an allergic reaction. Neither the hypothesis nor the effectiveness of these therapies have not yet basic scientific research and other studies are still widely practiced in many places. Yet many families have reported that the program gluten and casein elimination diet may help some thing like a bowel movement, sleep, activity and behavior of children became more regular and improve the progress of individual children.

If you want a diet that parents should still adhere to the basic nutritional guidelines for children, such as by eliminating the consumption of milk would result in reduced intake of calcium for the body so it must be given an alternative source for calcium is essential for bone growth in children. It is recommended also for the parents to consult a doctor or nutritionist first if you want a diet or food restriction in children. Health workers can also help choose the right diet program and appropriate for the growth and development of children, including the selection of a balanced diet.